Great Names in Irish History
A collection of fine cast figures
Henry Gratton 1746-1820
Born a Protestant in 1746, Gratton grew up in Dublin to become M.P. for Charlemount in the Irish Parliament of 1772. By 1775 he was leader of the opposition party. The American Revolution (1776-82) sparked a resurgence of Irish national feeling, the cause of American independence echoing in the hearts of Irish Patriots. Lead by Gratton Irish politicians demanded reform and formed a ‘Patriot Party’ for an Irish parliament independent of Westminster. Countrywide over one hundred thousand Irishmen pledged their support. The English government responded by removing restrictions on Irish trade and allowing Catholics to buy land freely for the first time in nearly a century. Finally, in 1782 Westminster renounced its claim to legislate for Ireland directly and Gratton claimed his greatest political victory. "Ireland is now a nation. In that new character I hail her!" he proclaimed.
This range of 54mm pewter figures are mounted on wooden plinths with metal plaques that have the embossed name of the figure. Plinth colour and design may vary without notice.
The figures are painted by experienced Irish artists and were designed by internationally famous miniature designer Chris Tubb.