All the molds in this series are really great.
Vikings were practical people, and saw land as often more valuable than gold. Their Norse homelands were difficult to farm meaning they were driven to seek wealth elsewhere, and they travelled thousands of miles over the years allowing them to colonise places that were far easier to prosper in. Of course the natives of those generous lands were often not to trilled by the appearance of Vikings, for good reason, but peaceful co-existence was often attained.
Prince August Viking moulds are rubber moulds that can be reused hundreds of times to cast 40mm scale metal miniatures. A single ingot of our metal can cast about 4 fully round figures on average.
If you have not cast from Prince August moulds before you should acquire our basic starter kit that has some important accessories needed for the hobby.
B = Base, W = Wash, HD = Hi-Dry, BD = Base Dry.
All figures are first undercoated in white paint and all the other colours are painted over this.
AV951 - White.
AV950 - Black.
AV814 - Burnt Cad Red.
AV929 - Light Brown.
AV980 - Black Green.
AV864 - Natural Steel.
AV939 - Smoke.
AV837 - Pale Sand.
AV818 - Red Leather.
AV815 - B. Skintone.
AV846 - Mahogany Brown.
AV875 - Beige Brown.
AV984 - Flat Brown.
AV913 - Yellow Ochre.
AV976 - Buff.
Viking Settler Painting Guide (PDF).
This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.
All the molds in this series are really great.
Great mould, high details - easy to cast!
Welcome to your new hobby. This video showcases several of Pri...
The art of hobby casting can require venting of our rubber mou...
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