This paint pack contains three synthetic paint brushes as well as fifteen acrylic Vallejo Model Color paints (17ml pots). The colours chosen should provide an excellent core selection for any painter to start with and they can mix other colours easily from these using basic colour theory (e.g: mix yellow and red to make orange). Brush size 000 is for very fine details while Size 1 is for large area coverage (note that brush sizes may vary a little if stocks are low.)
The colours are: Dark Red, White, Grey Blue, Medium Fleshtone, Copper (metallic), Black, Hull Red, Flat Green, Pink, Khaki Green, Silver (metallic), Red Leather, Blue Violet, Gold (metallic), Lemon Yellow.
Model-Color is very highly pigmented, formulated for models and miniatures and ideal for decorating all miniatures. The colours brush on smoothly, and cover large surfaces easily and without showing brushstrokes. The paints can be diluted with water for air brushing. The paint texture is ideal for tiny details on miniature work. All the shades dry to a matt finish except the metallic and transparent colours. If a glossy, lacquered finish is desired, add one or two thin coats of Brilliant Varnish.
Model-Colour can be diluted with water, and all colours can be mixed with one another. The product does not contain solvents and is not inflammable. Colours do not contain lead pigments, nor ingredients harmful to health.
Errors can be corrected immediately with water, or with a small amount of alcohol. Once the paint has dried, it is waterproof and permanent.
Model-Colour is presented in 17ml bottles with an eyedropper. This packaging prevents the paint from evaporating and drying in the container. It can be used in minimal quantities and keeps for a long time.

The Colour Wheel can illustrate how you can make many colours using just the primary 3 colours; red, yellow and blue. Example: Mix red with blue and you will get purple. By adding some black or white you can create almost any shade you can imagine. Experiment and have fun.
SDS PDF for Model Colors.
SDS PDF for Model Color Fluorcesents.
SDS PDF for Model Color Glazes.
SDS PDF for Model Color Metallics.
SDS PDF for Model Color Transparents.