
Molybdomancy Divination Bismuth and Tin alloy Kit with 6 Charms

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SKU:PADIV-LF ,UPC: ,Condition: ,Weight: ,Width: ,Height: ,Depth: ,Shipping:


0.15 KGS
26.00 (cm)
16.00 (cm)
3.00 (cm)
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Hobby Casting Tool and Metal


Molybdomancy is a form of divination using metal and water.

Fortune telling in metal is a pastime which used to be practiced by the Vikings and the Celts hundreds of years ago. Today is a fun party activity. It is great fun to compare your metal creation with other people. This is how it is done:

  • Hold one charm in your fist for 15 second to transfer your vibes into the metal.
  • Melt that charm of Bismuth alloy on a cooker or a gas torch. Adjust the cooker to high. Or you can use a candle but it takes longer time
  • Prepare a 20cm+ high bowl with at least 1 liter of water.
  • Pour the metal quickly into the water.  It is your hand and the vibes of the metal which creates the fanciful shape.
  • Take the metal out of the water and use our interpretation guide to tell your fortune.
  • You can remelt the metal over and over again. Just be careful to have the ladle empty of metal as metal and water can splatter.

 The Molybdomancy Divination Kit contains:

  • A Casting Ladle.
  • 6 Different Charms of non toxic Bismuth Alloy. (Bag of gold, Coin, Heart, Cat, Mushroom, Ladybug)
  • Interpretation guide.

Safety Sheet for Bismuth alloy.

Download Divination Chart as PDF (203KB).


  • This is not a toy and should be used under adult supervision.
  • Pour the water used in the sink. Do not drink! 
  • Contains non-toxic Bismuth/tin.
  • Melting point 150c. Hot metal will give severe burns.
  • Dispose of scrap metal according to local recycling rules.

Metal pouring gives you the chance to re-enact the German New Years Eve tradition of fortune telling the future by "metal pouring" (Bleigießen). According to custom, diviners melt a small metal figurine or object in a tablespoon, then pour the molten material into a bowl or bucket of water to see the patterns it makes. You read the future in the shapes that the metal forms in the water, like tea leaves at the bottom of a cup. For example: If the metal curls into a ball, expect good fortune; if it falls into an anchor shape, look for help in need; but metal freezing into the form of a cross casts the specter of death. What does the New Year hold for you?

An Silvester wird das Metall geschmolzen.
Es ist in Wasser gekippt, kalt und klar;
Erraten Sie, was die Zeichen darstellen?
Schaut sie so an, wie sie sind;
die Form, die Sie nicht raten, zu verschwinden.
Haltet sie hinter dem Licht,
das Schattenbild verspricht Ihnen mehr.
Kommt es dir nicht in den Sinn,
sehen Sie sich diese Broschüre an.
Es sagt Ihnen offen und frei,
alle Arten...!

Ein alter Brauch an Silvester war das Metallgießen. Die Jugendlichen führten es in den Spinnereien aus. Das in einem Tiegel geschmolzene Metall wurde in kaltes Wasser gegossen und bildete manchmal sehr bizarre Formen, aus denen die Jugendlichen alle möglichen Schlussfolgerungen für ihr bevorstehendes Leben zogen (Karriereaussichten, Eheglück, etc.). Am Neujahrstag besuchten die Kinder ihre Paten und erhielten einen Neujahrsempfang und ein Geldgeschenk für den Neujahrswunsch.

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Molybdomancy Divination Charm Kit
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1 Review

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  • 5
    Unique Fun and Great Quality!

    As a German in Ireland it was wonderful to find this set online and to be able to continue this great New Year`s tradition! The set comes with cute charms & many interpretations. Delivery was fast and the pouring itself worked perfectly. Highly recommended!

1 Review

  • 5
    Unique Fun and Great Quality!

    As a German in Ireland it was wonderful to find this set online and to be able to continue this great New Year`s tradition! The set comes with cute charms & many interpretations. Delivery was fast and the pouring itself worked perfectly. Highly recommended!