
PA80-18: 54mm France: Napoleon Bonaparte on horseback Moulds

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Hobby Casting Moulds


The Napoleonic Wars (1803-15) were a series of wars declared against Napoleon's French Empire by opposing coalitions. As a continuation of the wars sparked by the French Revolution of 1789, they revolutionised European armies and played out on an unprecedented scale, mainly owing to the application of modern mass conscription. French power rose quickly as Napoleon's armies conquered much of Europe but collapsed rapidly after France's disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812. Napoleon's empire ultimately suffered complete military defeat resulting in the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France.

Painting Guide for Napoleon (PDF).

This product has 3 moulds that can cast 54mm scale metal mounted general. Some assembly may be required. Assembly can either require soldering or gluing parts together. Glue is not included.

Since the introduction of our 80- range of hobby casting moulds our collectors have been asking for a Napoleon Bonaparte mould kit. We are sure that it will be a wonderful subject to paint. Napoleon was one of the great leaders of Europe who fascinated the entire world. Our sculpture does justice to this important figure in European history. Military strategist par-excellence, his name remains associated with innumerable victories and defeats. Capturing his very essence in our new mould kit this elegant and imposing model is sure to add to any 54mm Grand Army. Captured on his charger, surveying the battlefield in his trench coat he makes a great addition to any collection.

A short history of Napoleon

Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica into a Corsican-Italian family. When Napoleon was nine, his father sent him to Brienne military school in France. Finishing the military school at sixteen he joined the French army. When the French Revolution started Napoleon realized that this was his opportunity to advance his career.

In 1795, Napoleon saved the Revolutionary Government by firing grape-shot into an attacking crowd. After saving the government, Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy.

He developed new tactics cutting the enemy army in half and then attacking one half before the enemy could rejoin. The new tactic was very effective, he defeated Sardinian troops five times in eleven days! His first big campaign was when he attacked Austria. In 1797, he came within 80 miles of Vienna before Austria surrendered. In order to make peace Austria gave the Netherlands and Lombardy to France. Austria also recognized the Rhine as the eastern boundary of France. He was given a hero's welcome on his return to France.

Napoleon thought that if he conquered Egypt he could then attack the English on their own route to India. In July of 1798, he won the "Battle of the Pyramids". Napoleon then lost his fleet in the "Battle of the Nile" shortly afterwards.

Napoleon returned to France and found the Directory in a mess. He saw that it was the perfect time for self advancement. In November of 1799, he overthrew the Directory and set up a government called Consulate. After three years he made himself the first consul for life. At that time people liked him so they did not object.

Napoleon started to call himself Napoleon I instead of General Bonaparte. In 1802 the English and German states were tired of fighting and signed a peace treaty of Amiens. It was the first time since 1792 France was at peace with the whole world. During those 14 months of peace Napoleon dramatically changed Europe. He became president of the Italian Republic, was involved in making France and Switzerland republics. Napoleon created a secondary schools system in France and created a code of laws.

War broke out between France and England in the year of 1803. Sweden, Austria , and Russia allied with England against France. Napoleon defeated Austria and Russia at the battle of Austerlitz and crushed the Persians at the battle of Peru. Napoleon then created a treaty called Peace of Tilsit, this treaty brought all of Europe under his control. The only enemy left free was England. In October 21st 1805, Admiral Nelson again crushed Napoleon's fleet at the "Battle of Trafalgar".

In 1806 Napoleon declares "The Continental Blockade" against England, which banned trade with England. Most of Europe did not like the system because they needed goods from England. After Napoleon found out that Russia had abandoned the system he decided that it was time to invade Russia. Napoleon went to Russia in the middle of winter, and the Russians retreated to the heart of Russia burning villages behind them. Finally on September 7, 1812, Napoleon fought and had a victory at Borodino. When Napoleon got to Moscow on September 14th he found the city in flames and all the food and shelter destroyed. On October 18th, Napoleon starts his retreat, when he reached the Berezina River thousands of his soldiers died because of the cold. Napoleon started from France with 500,000 soldiers but only 20,000 soldiers came back.

After his failure in Russia Napoleon's Empire began to fall to pieces. England, Russia, Prussia, and Austria all allied together to fight against Napoleon and his army. At the "Battle of the Nations" in Leipzig, Napoleon was forced to retreat in humiliation. The French capital Paris, was captured on March 30, 1814. On April 6, of 1814, Napoleon was forced to abdicate the throne.

Napoleon was exiled from France with a handful of soldiers to the small island of Elba. He was allowed to keep his title of "Emperor" but he escaped from exile 10 months later and landed in France. Napoleon marched into Paris with thousand's of his old soldiers that adored him and was back in power. During his second reign as leader, he tried to make peace with his old allies, but they did not want to make peace and they outlawed him. Napoleon decided to strike before his enemies attacked. This move led Napoleon to Waterloo, but he was defeated. Napoleon was then exiled again, but to St. Helena, a remote island in the middle of the South Atlantic where Napoleon died on May 5th, 1821.

This product is not suitable for children under the age of 14.

Frequently Bought Together:

Napoleon Bonaparte
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  • 4
    A master piece

    There is a lot of experience required to weld the 9 pieces together and to seal the seams. Therefor painting is necessary. The result is a master piece!

1 Review

  • 4
    A master piece

    There is a lot of experience required to weld the 9 pieces together and to seal the seams. Therefor painting is necessary. The result is a master piece!
