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These are the Artillery added to the Seven Years War 40mm semi-flat-range of moulds. The Crewmen moulds include interchangeable parts, including heads while the Cannon mould includes four interchangeable barrels.

There were many kinds of artillery used in the Seven Years War from large siege guns to light pieces used in skirmishes. Only the field artillery would be present on the battlefield and the most common sizes would be 3, 6 and 12 pdr cannon. Howitzers were also used.

Crews varied from twelve to seventeen including gunners and assistants according the size of the gun but four is usually the number used for
wargaming purposes to represent artillery crews. In most armies of this period the smaller guns (3 pdr and 6 pdr) would be shared out among
infantry battalions, but larger pieces would be formed into artillery batteries.

You can find out more from this downloadable PDF (42 KB) or from this Kronoskaf website.

All these products are manufactured in a Gaeltacht or Irish speaking district in Ireland by Irish workers. Táimíd lonnaithe i gCill na Marta i gcroí lár Ghaeltacht Mhúscraí. Caitheamh aimsire fíor thaitneamhach don gclann go léir.

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